Thursday, 10 December 2009
Swan Edinburgh Meeting 7/12/09
Present: Support Workers from : Action Group , Garvald, Deaf Action, Richmond Fellowship and Freespace.
Update: There will be an external evaluation of the tendering. In theory the finding will be presented to the finance committee on 21st Jan . Jude will try to find out what is the remit of the review. Andy will contact Maggie Chapman to find out more details.
Meeting with Councilors: We will keep up the pressure on the council and continue our campaign by organising support workers from different organisations (2-3 people for a meeting) to meet councilors. Danny will coordinate.
Press release: People expressed their disappointment that Cllr Norman Work’s letter was not published in the media. As well as the Evening News and the Scotsman that already being given the press release Herald Post and the Big Issue and Councilors will be also notified.
‘Fair wage and conditions for care workers’ Petition: So far we have more than 400 signatures (online and paper). Danny will check with Iain McGill about presenting it to the petition committee in the Scottish Parliament.
Contact with other campaign groups: Marlyn from the Homecare group called to say that everyone at their campaign is encouraged and motivated by the success of the campaign against tendering. We at Swan can learn from the way they use individual cases to argue their point of view.
*Parents and Carers Group at Garvald was interested in coming to our meetings. Jude will link with Lesley from that group to find out how it is organised and what is discussed. We hope to find volunteers to go to each of the above mentioned groups’ meetings.
Union Membership: The Union has not being helpful in the tendering campaign and the refuse workers dispute. However, some people think that if we will have a strong membership we can make the union work for us. That will require a greater involvement and participation. Further discussion is needed. Meanwhile some organisations have already started to extend Union’s membership. We will try to build this within our own organisations.
Independent Impact Assessment: Suggested by Martine to evaluate the impact of the tendering. Mary will check with Martine how far she is with the assessment and what help she needs.
Legal Advice: We will need advice about the legality of Direct payment cuts, limited choice for service users and people right to refuse entry to their home (human rights legislation). Jude will find out where we may get advice and will contact the law faculty at Edinburgh University to see if anyone wants to help us with legal issues.
Internet Site: We would like to make it more accessible. Danny and Elli will coordinate with Ben and Hesham.
*Next Meeting: in Slateford Green Community hall 7:30 pm next Monday 14th
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