This is an update from SWAN Edinburgh and is intended for all those who have attended organising meetings or showed interest in the network. We will be sending regular email updates on our campaign against the blocking of direct payments, the tendering of social care services, indadequate funding for services and the devaluation of the role of support/care worker.
If you do not wish to recieve updates from us please reply to this email and let us know.
1. Demonstration this Wednesday 11th Nov
2. Support Worker's Action Group next organising meeting Sunday
3. Write you your councillors - letter template
4. Sign online petition
5. Council meeting Thursday 19th Nov
6. Find us on the internet
1. Demonstration this Wednesday 11th Nov
Join Edinburgh Support Workers Action Network, the Learning Disability Alliance and the Save our Homecare Services Campaign in calling on Edinburgh Council to;
- Stop blocking Direct Payments to social care service-users
- Guarantee funding at a reasonable level that allows service-user choice
- Stop the selling off of vital services to low cost private companies through its
competitive tendering process
2. Support Worker's Action Group next organising meeting Sunday
Budget cuts and competitive tendering threaten to wreck social care services in Edinburgh depriving service-users of quality and choice and reducing the role of support worker to a minimum wage , unskilled role.
Its time to stand up for our jobs and our service-users.
Next organising meeting;
7.30pm Sunday 15th November 2009
Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh ,
17 West Montgomery Place ,
Edinburgh Support Worker's Action Network (SWAN) has been started by voluntary sector support workers.
Against the background of increased privatisation of council care services , the current tendering process will see the end of many well established voluntary sector organisations and a shift towards low cost , private companies with questionable track records.
Choices Care , which stands to win the biggest contract in this round of tendering , pays support workers a mere £6.05 per hour. We face massive holes in TUPE regulations , low union membership in our field and our organisations have been forced to compete with each other for contracts. It is essential that support workers themselves from all organisations join together to defend jobs and services.
Meetings are open to all.
3. Write to you councillors - letter template
The final decision to approve the Council's tendering plans and the blocking of direct payments has still to be approved at the full Council meeting on Thursday 19th November. It is essential that in the lead up to this we make as many councillors as possible aware of the feelings of service-users, staff and others who understand the impact of their plans.
Below is a letter that can be used for this purpose. It is also attached as a Word document so you can print off and send. It is more effective if you put it in you own words though.
November 2009
I am contacting you because I am very concerned about the current proposals for the Council to progress with the tender of Housing Support and Care at Home Services in Edinburgh.
I am concerned because I am aware a significant number of people chose to take a Direct Payment to avoid being included in the tender and have the option to retain their current provider. This right has been denied by the Council freezing Direct Payment applications.
I am also concerned at the level of disruption and loss of continuity of service for many vulnerable people if the tender proposal is approved.
Many social care staff will also be transferred. It is of great concern that the ability of organisations to provide quality services will be significantly compromised through the transfer of services at low hourly rates.
The tender, if approved, will mean many voluntary organisations in Edinburgh will become very financially unstable putting at risk other services they provide that are not directly involved in the tender.
I urge you to vote or encourage your Councillors to vote against the tender being discussed on 19 November at the full Council and seek sustainable alternatives that respect the choice and quality of service that vulnerable adults and their families need.
Yours sincerely
4. Sign online petition
Information you should know about to sign this petition.
Edinburgh council has competitively tendered care and support services for 777 people. The council had a choice about how to do this and chose to put it out to competitive tender.
The council decided what services were needed and how things should be changed after only asking 8 people who used services. They sent out some letters and printed a pamphlet. The council said that if you weren’t happy you could ask for a Direct Payment. They passed a motion in May saying that they would make it possible for everyone to have a Direct Payment.
170 people asked for a Direct Payment so they could stay with their existing provider. There was so many people that the council staff were worried that they couldn’t award the contracts. Now the Council have said who they want to give the new contracts to. Over 700 people will have to move to new providers unless they get a Direct Payment. However in October the council froze all Direct Payments to people in the tender process. At least 87 people cannot get their payment completed. No one new can make an application and get their Direct Payment for months.
You should sign this petition because asking for and getting a Direct Payment is a right once you get a service and you can take responsibility for your own money and life.
The council promised a choice. Some of the new providers have a poor record in quality and people might get a worse service. There is still time to change the council’s mind as the council decision has been delayed.
5. Council Meeting Thurs 19th Nov
As mentioned above the final decision on the tendering process will be taken at the full council meeting on Thursday 19th. It is essential that those affected turn up on that day and apply as much pressure as possible.
Even better, if you, or someone you know, is confident enough to speak before the council at this meeting you can apply for a deputation and make sure your views are heard.
To apply for a deputation call the Council Secretary on 0131 529 4091.
Full detals of meeting;
Meet outside the City Chambers on the High Street (Royal Mile) at 9am on Thursday 19th November.
The meeting will start at 10am.
6. Find us on the internet
You can find SWAN Edinburgh on Facebook by clicking on this link;
-and we are currently setting up a website which should hopefully be up and running by the end of the week. Once its going you'll be able to find us at .
We also have a blog at
and we are currently setting up a website which should hopefully be up and running by the end of the week. Once its going you'll be able to find us at .
Saturday, 14 November 2009
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